I think the station rotation I did two weeks ago was a success and I plan to continue to use this on a regular basis in my Algebra classes. Here are the station that I used this week:
The class is 90 minutes long. We started class with one set of entrance cards. Students were randomly assigned to a station. The students spent 15 minutes at each station. Finally we closed with an exit ticket.
Classroom timer: Click here.
I put instructions in acrylic frames at the stations where there is no adult. Click here for those.
Students were permitted to choose between stations 2&3. They did not need to do both.
I put instructions in acrylic frames at the stations where there is no adult. Click here for those.
Station 1: New Material with Para
At this station the students are graphing equations that are not given in slope-intercept form. This is something we have not covered in class yet and the small group instruction will be perfect for that. I used a worksheet that I generated from the KUTA software that my school district purchase. I assume I would be violating copyright if I shared that with all of you. So instead, here is a link to their free worksheet similar to what I gave the students.
Students were permitted to choose between stations 2&3. They did not need to do both.
Station 2: Create Something
Before class, I wrote out 60 index cards that each have an equation in slope intercept form. At this station I put the index cards, poster paper, glue, graph paper, rulers, markers, color pencils, and tape. The students were required to pick an index card and create a poster that had that equation on it, stated the slope and y-intercept, and had a graph of the equation. Here is a small sampling of their posters.
Station 3: Digital
I found this quizizz on slope-intercept and decided this was a perfect addition to this week's rotation. I wanted all my classes to use the same quizizz. In order for it to stay open all day, I logged in on my iPad but didn't answer any of the questions.
Station 4: Something Old with Me
The students are still struggling with equations. I suppose we just have to keep at it. This week we went over equations that have variables on both sides. Again this was generated from KUTA. Below is the link for the free version from them.
Station 5: Interactive
I always want to have a station where the students are forced to interact with each other. This time around I picked a Sum of 3 (or 4) activity. Again I went for an old topic that needed revisiting: Evaluating Expressions.
Exit Ticket
I created this exit ticket so that it incorporated one question corresponding to each station. I collected these and did comments only grading.
Hi - I am very interested in your survival of the fittest that you posted about a few years ago. I would love to hear the type of supplies you gave them and things like that. Thanks!