Station Rotation

Our school has implemented a fusion schedule last year where we have 45 minute classes 3 days of the week and 90 minute classes the other two days of the week.  If I don't plan well for these classes, it can be boring and tedious.  So, I wanted to share the station rotation that my students and I did this week.

We just tested on graphing with tables and intercepts and this was our first day with slope.  The student have studied slope in their pre-algebra class, but you know we need to visit it again in Algebra 1.

The set up.  I created 4 stations around my room with acrylic frames that gave the student instructions on what to do.

At the beginning of class we had a short lesson on how to find the slope if you are given a table.  Then I randomly divided the class into four groups and sent each group to a station. 

The student had 15 minutes at each station and I displayed the following timer on my screen:

Station 1 (Digital Station):
Desmos Activity

At this station, the students used their laptops (and ear buds) to go through a desmos activity on finding slope from a graph. 

Slope from a graph Desmos activity  <-- link to activity

Station 2 (Small Group Instruction):  
Finding slope from an equation with yours truly

At this station, I worked with a small group of students and taught them (or reminded them) how to determine the slope if you are given an equation.  I really liked this station, because I had the opportunity to work with every single student.  

Here is a copy of that worksheet --> LINK TO WORKSHEET

Station 3 (Interactive Station):  
Slope from Tables: Problem Trains.

At this station, the students worked together to solve the problem train on finding slope if you are given a table.  You can find that activity HERE.  

Station 4 (Review Station):
Two-Step Equation Pyramid

My Algebra 1 students are making a lot of careless mistakes with solving equations.  So, I figured this would be a perfect topic to cover during this station rotation.  I received this activity when I signed up for All Things Algebra's free newsletter.   I do have a para during these classes and they would manage this station.  

What Went Well:

  • The students were on task the whole time.  I made sure to have enough work at each station so that there is little to no down time.  
  • The 90 minutes flew by.  
  • All students received individual attention and a many misconceptions were corrected.  

What Needs Work:
  • I don't know how this escaped me, but I didn't plan for closure.  Next time I will have a wrap-up and exit ticket to round out the class.
