Formal Observation Follow Up

I had my formal observation follow-up with my principal this week.  I like that we are asked to determine two areas that I need to work on for the following year.  Here is what we decided:

1) Questioning techniques need development to engage all students in using their brains to the fullest.

My first thought is to turn to my online colleagues and get their advice.  I'm looking for a book to read to help me in this area.  John Golden (@mathhombre) did suggest that I read Mosaic of Thought.  I will have to look into this more, it seems very interesting.

The universe works in strange ways.  Just as I was asking for a book to help me with my questioning skills, I received one....for free.  I attended a conference for the wrap up of a 4-year study on standards-based grading that I was a part of.  They gave each attendee a copy of Implementing the Common Core State Standards through Mathematical Problem Solving - High School. 

Hopefully by the end of summer, I'll have some good news for you on my new-found questioning skills.  

2) Explaining PARLO to families has dropped off since it is an expected practice and they are not shocked by it.  Continual efforts to promote proficiency based learning may help to expand it.  In addition, Mrs. Oswald and JTAHS will benefit by more self promotion of her numerous efforts and methods to help students learn.  

I have to admit, I haven't been communicating with families as much as I should.  To be honest, I think the only contact I had with parents this past year was if there was a problem.

Not only do I need to contact specific parents individually about their child, I believe I need to have something that is similar to a newsletter.  I'm thinking about a twitter hashtag that the parents, students, and I could use to have a whole group discussion about what is happening in class.  Maybe even setting up some twitter chats with the parents/students would work.  I can't get them to come in for parent-teacher conferences, but maybe I can get them to go to their laptop. ?????  Anyone try something like this?


  1. First of all, I think it's fabulous that your administrator demonstrates instructional leadership by helping the faculty grow as learners. If you are looking for a book that encourages students to ask probing questions you may want to consider Q Tasks.

    I'm looking forward to reading the comments on how to better communicate with parents. I've never used Twitter for that purpose. My initial reaction is that it is an "extra step" for parents and thus, makes it an indirect form of communication. However, the same could be said for email. If a parent doesn't normally check email, they won't know what's happening. Either way, you are developing a habit. Just a thought.


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