Educreations and Absolute Value Equation Sample Videos

A reader asked me to share some of the videos that I'm using in my flipped lessons.  You are more than welcome to them, but I would like to introduce you to educreations if you haven't discovered it yet.

Once you are there you can search the many videos to see if someone has already created a video to suit your needs or of course make your own.

At the flipped classroom workshop I attended last month, the presenter suggested that your video include the following things:

  1. Learning Objectives
  2. Engagement - this might include multiple voices
  3. Delivery - stay on topic, stop the repetition.  In my words:  don't be annoying
  4. Content - make sure the students are learning something
  5. Assessment - what do they do after they watch the video?  

Below are two videos that Mr. Pod and I have created for our outcome on Absolute Value Equations.
